Tuesday 27 November 2007

Talk for the Authomated Reasoning Group

Today I gave a talk to Automated reasoning group here in Cambridge, trying to explain my PhD research. The video bellow shows the talk in full. Basically I explained the method I will be using and delimited the problem I plan to cover in my PhD. For those not in computer science, it just another bullshit :)

Well maybe not that bullshit, because it should be at least good enough to earn the PhD degree. Basically is a form to give assurance to secure communication protocols by proving (in mathematical style) that the protocol has the properties expected.

After filming the video, I started another quest: Upload to someplace and make usable in my blog. I uploaded it (just a bit more that 110Mb, and made with my mobile) to youtube, but they just allow films with no more than 10 mins (mine has 28). I did some research and actually found viemo, which according with the reviews has the best post processing codec and allow people to upload more that just 10 mins.

It may look idiot, but because incapacity of youtube engineers in creating an engine to search for proprietary content, and to avoid people uploading entire movies (as if they would no spilt in small chunks) the created this ridiculous constraint.

Next week I will post the same talk in Italian, since I will be presenting it in Universita di Catania, in the mWSF07 - The 2007 miniWorkshop on Security Frameworks I hope you all like the distraction.

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