Tuesday, 2 November 2010

Android LG GT540 - 4 Days Log

Well I need to write this because finally I arrived in 2010. My wife given me as a birthday gift a new android phone, which I deliberately chosen to be the cheapest one in market. She got me an LG GT 540 Optimus for less than £100. The choice was deliberate because I wanted not to have any mercy or guilt in hacking it to the bones.

Well until now I already updated it to android 2.1 (originally it is a 1.6 phone), rooted it, moved all the application to the SD card and increased the memory to run apps by putting some swap space in the SD card. Definitely having a Linux on your pocket gives you freedom as you would never imagine.

In the next days I will be posting details on how I did all these things and the advantages of having done such things. I will start posting as soon as my new SD card arrives, since I need more space for doing things.

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